In Scene 78 of The Storyteller, Pierre confesses to Michel that he has been barking up the wrong tree in his approach to narrative.
Pierre: I was trying to tell the story using only conversation. No names. No description.
Michel: And could you?
Pierre: I could not.
Michel: What was the problem?
Pierre: Names signify something. Do you know just today I found that Wanda means to wander in Wendish. And people have personalities. They are in a location. Timing is important.
Michel: You are learning. That’s context.
Pierre: I thought snatches of believable speech would be enough to build the story and run up to a climax.
Michel: A story is not just a tale told through dialogue. Walter Fisher’s narrative paradigm includes a lot more. You need characters, plot, motivation, action.
Pierre: Plot.
Michel: As E.M. Forster put it. The king died and then the queen died. That’s a story. But when you say the king died and then the queen died of grief, that’s a plot.
Pierre: However unlikely.
Labels: narrative, Walter Fisher