Sunday, September 16, 2007

Marmite Vegemite

Scene 47 of Tanpopo remake. British Redhead and Australian friend are discussing relative merits of spreads from their respective food cultures.

British Redhead: Does Villa Market have Marmite, would you know?

Aussie Friend: Dunno. What I do know is they have Vegemite so...

British Redhead: I know that stuff. Whatever they put in it it is so not the real Marmite.

Aussie Friend: I heard Marmite eaters can't tolerate Vegemite. They say it's too strong.

British Redhead: We have subtle tastes.

Aussie Friend: Whatever the both of them are they so not subtle. Salty maybe, but subtle you cannot say they are. Try giving it as a gift to a Japanese.

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