Drudge drops the ball
A Swallow and an Amazon duel over Drudge.
Swallow: Matt Drudge.
Amazon: Yes. What?
Swallow: He...
Amazon: He what?
Swallow: Look. I know you swear by him and all that but don't you think... well, recently, he hasn't been quite as on the ball as a few years back?
Amazon: On what issue?
Swallow: Well, one day, he puts up a headline: McCAIN VOLUNTEER ATTACKED AND MUTILATED. And the next day he has to put up what amounts to an apology. SHE MADE IT ALL UP. Matt Drudge getting it wrong?
Amazon: So he wasn't exactly on the money with that one.
Swallow: He used to be on the case. In all cases. Often on the money. First with the breaking news. Not as often now I hear and quite frequently getting the story back to front. And for a leftie, you'd think he'd be less of a McCain supporter.
Labels: John McCain, Matt Drudge, Swallows and Amazons