Celebrities, Paparazzi and Tabloid Readers
E.T. is curious how the fame mechanism works.
E.T. What do paparazzi do?
Elliott: Take pictures of celebrities.
E.T. Do celebrities want their pictures taken?
Elliott: Celebrities need their pictures taken to make them famous.
E.T. Who wants to see these pictures?
Elliott: Readers of tabloids. They ask for sensational pictures and stories.
E.T. So, it’s a give and take relationship then? Readers want pictures and stories of celebrities, celebrities want to be read about, paparazzi provide.
Elliott: The system has its problems. Sometimes the celebrity does something in public that makes a for an embarrassing picture. And sometimes the paparazzi stalk the celebrity and intrude on their privacy. It's a saprophytic relationship.
E.T. Ah, they live off each other, and die off each other?
Labels: paparazzi
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