Organic Framing
Choosing not just a rectangular frame. Instead, letting the frame make a statement. So the foliage intrudes, but the eye sees through it.
Photographs, sometimes sketches, and the stories they tell. Short discussions on why a photograph was taken. The odd technical note.
The subject is a cliché. The treatment is a cliché. Why take postcard snaps? It's the kind of scene that has memories for the person who took the photo.
Nevertheless, if you’re going to take such a picture, arrange it well. Time it well.
Have the sun beam his reflection down the water a little off-center. Stagger the boats to give a sense of depth. Focus on boats with different mass and rigging.
It looks symmetrical but it pleasing well isn’t.
Canon 5DII, 70-200mm (200), f4.5,1/1,250, Colonia del Sacramento 101023
I know an architect who, whenever he sees a building, shuts one eye and squints. If something isn’t square, he’ll say, “That wall’s a bit out of whack.” Or “The roof is sagging.”
Architects are programmed to check the verticals go straight up and horizontals follow the horizon.
And it helps your photographs if you approach certain subjects with this in mind.
Especially buildings. Use a wide-angle lens. Position yourself dead center and aim the camera lens dead horizontal and check there is no tilting. The house walls should be parallel with the vertical side of the picture frame and the floor should be parallel with the bottom of it.
Check the image on the photo editor. Pull the dotted marquee tool into a rectangle and check the verticals and horizontals of any square objects in the picture, like a house.
If the verts or horizes are a bit out of whack, you can rotate the picture until it comes right.
You can’t get it right every time. The pink house pictured had to be rotated 1 degree clockwise.
Canon 5DII, 17-40mm (40), f6.3, 1/2500 Colonia del Sacramento 101018
Labels: buildings, horizontal, vertical, wide-angle lens
The sight of something stops you.
In this case a combination of two bricks in a concrete block wall.
One brown, one blue.
Warm against cool.
Frame it so it resembles a flag.
There is always a reason why something attracts the eye.
In this case, juxtaposition of two colors almost opposite on the color wheel. They contrast and complement each other.
A good introduction to the color wheel is here.
Canon 5D Mk II, 70-200mm (150), f4, 1/500, Colonia del Sacramento,101014
Labels: color, color wheel