Svetlana questions Grigori ’s terminology in a report he is writing.
Svetlana: I wonder if you are actually writing a report on “Machine Translation?”
Grigori: Hmm?
Svetlana: I mean, you are analyzing results of translations done by Excite, Babel Fish, Google and so on, but these are what we might call Internet Translation Services.
Grigori: Not MT?
Svetlana: MT is a mashup of hardware and software. Internet Translation Service is, on the other hand, a kind of user interface. You just type something in and translate it into another language. See, if you google it, you get all these references for ITS: Excite, Babel Fish are there but also Systran,, Applied Language, WorldLingo, these names they come up with…
Grigori: Interesting what other services are tied to these translation sites. Here’s one advertising castles for sale in eastern Europe. And another one advertizing second passports.
Svetlana: Translation is a gateway. Reminds me of a nice homespun site that used to carry notices of upcoming conferences on language and linguistics. Run by a character called Roy. Nice chap, and he added a link to Russian aircraft for sale. We all have another string to our bow.
Grigori: We all have something else we’d rather be doing.
Labels: Internet Translation Services, Machine Translation, Roy Cochrun