Wednesday, March 7, 2007


“I heard a figure, don’t know how reliable it is, that in technical subjects half of what students learn in their first year of college will be outdated by their third year.”


“Don’t know. But I can understand that. I mean, it strikes a chord, rings a bell, sounds an alarm wouldn’t you say?”

“I know. Things change quickly. In a meeting today they were talking about TOEFL tests, For years, TOEFL used to be a paper test (PBT), then for five or six years it was done on computers (CBT), but from last year it is delivered over the Internet (iBT).”

“Yeah, I heard the scoring is all changed too.”

“Very different. PBT was 0 to 677 max, CBT was 0 to 300 and IBT is 0 to 120. Not only that but the PBT was a couple of hours, the CBT three hours and the IBT is four.

“So they are getting longer…”

“And, some say, more difficult.”

"If anything is certain, it is that change is certain. The world we are planning for today will not exist in this form tomorrow."
-- Philip Crosby

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