Checking a paper written by a palatologist
"This sentence,'The phoneme 'ch' is contrasted with the consonant 'dz' can be seen from the analysis...' How was this analyzed?"
"With a false palate."
"A FALSE palate?"
"Yes. Made of plastic. You put it in your mouth and it follows the contours of your palate. The hooks go around your teeth and you attach sensors to your tongue and palate and then plug it into a computer and get the subject to speak and then you can get palatographs which show what the subject is doing with his tongue and his palate."
"You have one of these things?"
"Yes. I carry it around in my pocket. Many of my friends have them too."
"So you sit around and stick your palates in your mouths and talk about..."
"Palatography. What else?"
"And the output?"
"I can only output in 2D. But at the department there is a 3D articulatory scanner.."
"Yes, yes."
"And in real time?"
"Of course. EXPENSIVE! (eyes roll) But oh what a toy!"
"And you use this for...?"
"For speech therapy. And teaching robots to talk."
Labels: palatography, phonetics
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