Friday, March 30, 2007

Miss Potter

This rain is getting MORE than dismal.

Elizabeth says the Beatrix Potter film is worth seeing.

Miss Potter? I’ll check the reviews. What have we here on Rotten… ? Hmmm. 63%

So so?

So so. Comments range from ‘sweet-spirited’, with a reference to Mary Poppins, to someone getting a bit fed up and saying ‘half an hour in you start looking for Farmer MacGregor’s shotgun.’

Sounds like you are either easy on it because you adore chattering rabbits or grumble at it because you have got old and curmudgeonly.

Looking at scenes of Windermere WOULD beat looking out the window at this wind and rain.

We’re on our way.

"But as to a nest—there is no difficulty: I have a sackful of feathers in my wood-shed. No, my dear madam, you will be in nobody's way. You may sit there as long as you like," said the bushy long-tailed gentleman.”

He led the way to a very retired, dismal-looking house amongst the fox-gloves.

Beatrix Potter: Jemima Puddleduck

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