Thursday, March 22, 2007

Windows in houses

It went up in...?
1952 it would have been.

t has a nice atmosphere even at 55 years old. The view out onto the fields. As architect, did you design the view?

You might say that. I had the philosophy then, and still do, that when you design a house you go sit on the land and put rocks or sticks in the places you want the windows to be. Then you build the house around the windows.

So you mean some architects put the walls in and then cut windows in to see out?

Not only THAT. Some are more concerned with what the elevation i
s like...

What it looks like from the outside.

Mmm. I know. When you spend 90 per cent INside the house and 10 percent OUTside, it makes more sense to put the focus on being comfortable inside.



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