Friday, March 21, 2008

TradeMe profile

Eleanor is explaining to Bruce about profiling traders.



Bruce: What’s your next study on?

Eleanor: TradeMe. This is the printout of an auction.

Bruce: What’s traded?

Eleanor: That, but more to the point, how you can build up a profile of a person from what they buy.

Bruce: Revealing, huh.

Eleanor: Look at this one. He sells the usual sort of stuff. A car a couple of months ago, bought a motorcycle last week, now he’s selling another motorcycle. He’s been on TradeMe for three years so he’s done a few transactions. Buys more than he sells. Seems to be a collector.

Bruce: Vehicles?

Eleanor: Not at all. He buys old military uniforms. And equipment. Here’s a bugle. Here he buys a parachute. Here he buys a set of medals for a Red Beret.


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