Friday, July 25, 2008

Five stages of grief

Carter and Edward discuss where they stand in the five stages of grief.

Carter: So where are you? In denial, angry, bargaining, depressed or accepting?

Edward: I'm a little further along than "this can't be happening," and "life's not fair stuff."

Carter: So you want a little more time?

Edward: Course I want more time. They're going to carry me out shouting "Gimme more time." I don't mope and ask what's the point of it all. I say just get on do what we can do.

Carter: Sounds like you're angry, bargaining and accepting, all at the same time. I've alwasy thought Kubler-Ross model didn't follow a neat linear path.

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At July 27, 2008 at 7:37 PM , Blogger Zen said...

I knew I'd find something amusing here to comment on. Lolz.

Listening to a Radio NZ programme on Death many moons ago, Dame Kubler-Ross was featured at one point.

The old girl was by this stage at death's door at some rest-home. Despite her claim to fame, she wasn't shuffling acceptingly off this mortal coil.

No sir! More lke CUSSING AND SCREAMING off this mortal coil with all the grace of a psychotic elephant.

In fairness, she may have been afflicted with some dementia. Which just goes to show *cadenza goes here*.

At July 27, 2008 at 7:39 PM , Blogger Zen said...

Walrus, I mean. Psychotic Walrus.

At July 27, 2008 at 8:19 PM , Blogger Barry Natusch said...

And Edward aka Jack N. in The Bucket List didn't shuffle off quietly. Got into gear and did things.

Oddly though, it didn't take some rousing reverend, some charismatic cajoler to get him going, just Quiet Carter dropped his list of things to do on the floor and that triggered The Plan.

Movie gets some rotten reviews, goes all Hollywood, but in fairness shall we say, some of the scenes in the hospital room Morgan and Jack share have the odd enlightened moment. Which is where a rather undeveloped reference to Kubler-Ross is dropped in and the amateur scenario writer feels compelled to have a stab at rewriting it...


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