Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Ronald has been asked by Richard to photograph the cover and a page from inside Richard’s book and send it as an attachment by email. Unfortunately, Ronald is caught in the act exposing the book in a photo booth.

A police: Hello, hello, hello. What have we here?

Ronald: Oh, officer. I’m just photographing these pages.

A police: You have permission from the author?

Ronald: I have, only his email is on my computer at home.

A police: A likely story. You have been caught in the act of photographing a book breaking copyright law with intention to…What was your intention?

Ronald: I was going to send the photographs to the author.

A police: Oh, get in the car.

Ronald: Can I just finish my hamburger?

A police: Getinthecar.



At October 3, 2007 at 10:51 AM , Blogger Zen said...

This reminds me of why I've put my hobby of nocturnal clandestine commercial surplus interception on temporary hold.

I was talking to someone the other day who got caught last year for the same thing. She tried to run away from the boys in blue, though, which was obviously not such a good idea.

She ended up caught and arrested for "stealing a found object". Seriously. The ensuing court appearances took place over the course of a year, at the end of which the judge threw the case out, calling it a "complete waste of my time".

At October 3, 2007 at 4:54 PM , Blogger Barry Natusch said...

This is another good reason for staying out of the way of the Bs-in-B. I don't think there is any way of suing the police for wasting your time. And if you even hint that they (the Bs-in-B) may be being a tiny little bit obtuse, they don't throw the book at you, they fumble in it and then their eyes light up as they find the section that says "insulting a police officer" and they book you for that. And if you haven't taped the exchange (probably soon be a law against that) it's their word against yours.


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