Saturday, May 26, 2007

Rainy day back up

What’s a good indoor activity on a rainy day?

Straightening up the books in the shelves?

Done that.

Polished the door handles?

All clean.

Backing up computer files? I know you haven’t installed an app that does it automatically yet.

I know it’d be much faster, but it’s not a question of speeding up the mechanics of the process. It’s a question of naming folders and files so I can find stuff.

Why bother when Google can find anything on your computer?

Still got to give the folders and files useful labels so the google-hound can sniff ‘em out.

Not necessarily. Google can find files if you give it strings of text within the files.

Scary. Not only that but I like to file stuff according to categories that I make up.

You’re a control freak, you know that?

It may make life a bit more complicated, but it all makes sense to me. I have close on a hundred My Documents folders. From Articles in the As, Blogs in the Bs, Cooking in the Cs, and so on down to Websites in the W’s.


Don’t have any Z’s. A few in the subfolders. And there are thousands of those. In my Blog folder alone I have close to five hundred subfolders named and dated.

But doesn’t all this folder-naming and I imagine, file-naming, take up a lot of time?

No way round it I guess. Good decisions take time. And anyway, we get a lot of rainy days here.

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